We are very fortunate to have a large Nursery and children are currently admitted to our Nursery 3 times during the academic year. Children are eligible for a part time Nursery place from the term after their 3rd birthday.
Autumn Entry - children who were 3 years old between 1st April and 31st August
Spring Entry - children who were 3 years old between 1st September and 31st December.
Summer Entry - children who were 3 years old between 1st January and 31st March.
Prior to admission, children have the opportunity to visit the Nursery with their parent/carer on several occasions and members of our Nursery staff team make home visits to ensure smooth transitions between home and school.
Children are usually admitted to Nursery in small groups over a 2 week period, this we believe, gives a positive start to education for our youngest children.
Children are usually admitted into main school during the year in which they become 5.
Registering your Child
Parents may choose the school they wish their child to attend, however we can no longer guarantee that children who live locally will automatically receive a place at our school. Please visit our policy page where you can view our admissions policy. It is vital to our forward planning that parents register their child for Nursery or main school as early as possible.
This year's Admissions Consultation is being jointly held by all admissions authorities in the City of York between 12 October and 29 November 2020. The consultation includes the admissions policies and planned number of places available at each school in the year(s) of entry.
All documents can be found in their draft (pre-determined) form at https://www.york.gov.uk/AdmissionsConsultation.
The views of parent/carers, schools and other interested parties are being sought during this consultation.
To respond, parents/carers can write to us, email admissionsconsultation@york.gov.uk or complete this short survey at https://www.york.gov.uk/AdmissionsConsultation
Following the consultation, each admission authority will formally set ('determine') their admission arrangements for admission in 2022-2023 by 28 February 2021. Determined policies will be on the City of York Council website by 15 March 2021 after which objections can be raised.
All documents can be found in their draft (pre-determined) form at https://www.york.gov.uk/AdmissionsConsultation.