Information regarding our Wrap Around Care Provision
Wrap around care is available to all children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. Children will be cared for by familiar adults who already work in school during the day. Children will be cared for in a fun, friendly, and nurturing environment. They will have access to indoor and outdoor space, with a variety of activities, resources and play equipment available.
Before School Care
Two options are available for breakfast club:
Session 1 - 7.30am - 8.45am, cost £3.85
Includes breakfast of cereal and/or toast.
Session 2 - 8.20am - 8.45am, cost £1.55
Includes a piece of toast/snack.
After School Care
Two options are available for after school club:
Session 1 - 3.05pm - 6.00pm, cost £9.25
Includes a snack (sandwiches, crumpets, pitta bread, wraps, fruit & yoghurt)
Session 2 - 3.05pm - 4.15pm, cost £3.85
This may include access to one of our after school activities or after school
Children will be taken/collected from their classrooms by the care leaders.
All sessions must be booked in advance using the Arbor app. Subject to availability, ad hoc sessions and last minute bookings can be booked. Bookings close the day before the next session is due to start. Once sessions are booked using the app, parent/carers are unable to cancel the booking. Bookings can be made through to the end of the academic year.
For more information/and for help using Arbor please contact the school office.