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Physical Education

At Carr Infant School we strive to deliver outstanding PE where children participate confidently in a wide range of experiences, allowing them to create positive relationships with physical activity for life. 


 Our intent is for pupils to:

  • To provide an creative and ambitious PE curriculum, where our children enjoy and have the confidence to participate in a range of physical activities. 
  • To inspire and challenge our children, through ample learning opportunities and a safe and happy learning environment, to achieve excellent standards in PE. To enjoy and have the confidence to participate in a range of physical activities.
  • To encourage all children to become resilient, ambitious and determined young individuals, who are passionate about achieving their best.
  • To embed lifelong healthy habits and understanding of all aspects of a healthy lifestyle including mental wellbeing and nutrition.
  • To be proud of their achievements, both individually and as a team player. Showing an understanding of how communication is key to succeed.  

This is implemented in school through:

  • In EYFS, physical development is taught predominantly through a play-based curriculum, where children have access to a range of physical challenges both indoors and outdoors every day.
  • The use of our Jasmine online learning platform provides staff with the confidence and creativity to deliver high quality and progressive lessons.
  • Effective and progressive PE Curriculum (see progression document) that allows children to develop and build on prior learning. 
  • PE is delivered by a specialist PE teacher employed by the school to deliver creative and innovative lessons.
  • Investment in the School Sports Partnership to allow all pupils to participate in competitions with local schools.
  • Celebrating our own successes through intra-competitions and recognising the sporting successes of role models around the world.


The impact of our PE approach is:  

  • Children strive for sporting success and develop skills of resilience, sportsmanship, and determination
  • Our pupils talk confidently and positively about PE and their learning.
  • Children love participating in sport, and develop lifelong healthy habits.
  • Children will experience a range of physical activity skills, developing confidence to compete against their peers, discussing their emotions related to success or failure and how to react in each situation.

Progression of Fundamental Movement Skills

Foundation Stage Curriculum Map

Year 1 Curriculum Map

Year 2 Curriculum Map
