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Maths at Carr Infant School



At Carr we want to create confident, resilient Mathematicians with an “I can” attitude. We create a safe and happy environment for our children to enjoy exploring new mathematical concepts through a Mastery approach. Our children are not limited in their mathematics, and we offer challenges for all our children as we do not believe children’s learning should have a ceiling. We explore maths through the concrete, pictorial, abstract approach allowing our children to explore new concepts with a creative, hands-on approach. Our well sequenced lessons allow children to build up their skills and make connections between all areas of their learning, we find time during are well structured lessons for children to communicate those connections and share their mathematical thinking and processes. 



In EYFS Maths is taught daily as well as encouraged continually through play in areas or provision. Mathematical vocabulary and deeper thinking are developed through questioning during lesson inputs as well as during Maths’s activities. We encourage children to apply their Mathematical knowledge as well as making links and connections to other areas of the Maths curriculum such as shape, space and measure. 

Maths across school is implemented through the concrete, pictorial and abstract approach. Within these elements we allow children opportunities to develop their reasoning and problem-solving skills by both communicating their answers verbally or through written questions. We focus these opportunities on allowing children time to build their conceptual understanding into procedural fluency.

Through our work with the Teacher Research Group (TRG) we have created a lesson structure which supports our teaching in Reception and KS1. We have also recently joined the Mastering Number Programme. This is to enhance children’s automaticity of number to support them in becoming more efficient, confident mathematicians.

Across school we use structured schemes that help staff plan coherent, well sequenced lessons which build on our key idea of concrete, pictorial, abstract.

Nursery- Use Ten Town to support children with their understanding of number, this then builds into the use of Number blocks in the Summer term for our Pre-school children. Children also develop their understanding of number in the areas of provision allowing them to be creative and work on their ability to communicate and talk about Maths in real life situations. 

Reception- Use White Rose Maths to plan and teach Maths lessons and use their suggested activities within their AOP to continually teach Maths through play and develop a deeper understanding. Again the areas of provision allow children time to be creative mathematicians and work on their ability to communicate their thinking in real life situations. 

KS1- Use of White Rose Maths to support planning and teaching of Maths as well as elements from Maths No Problem and Power Maths.



  • Children communicate  confidently in Maths lessons using mathematical vocabulary.
  • Children have a love of Maths and enjoy the level of challenge provided during lessons.
  • Children are resilient mathematicians. They are happy to explore new mathematical concepts and apply their skills during reasoning and problem-solving opportunities.
  • Children enjoy explaining their Maths and sharing their processes with their peers to help develop their understanding of Maths as well as supporting each other. 
  • Children can make connections building on from their prior knowledge and learning.

Impact is also measured through outcomes nationally reported in Early Years and at the end of KS1.

Maths’s outcomes are recorded internally at regular data points and discussed within pupil progress meetings and year group meetings. 

Impact is also measured through the school’s assessment systems;

  • Regularly assessed against year group KPI sheets.
  • End of block assessments and use of White Rose Arithmetic and Reasoning papers. 
  • Use of past papers in Year 2 to help with application of key skills.

We also work together to help the children’s progress, attainment and the teaching of Maths in school through learning walks, book looks, lesson observations and discussions during pupil progress and year group meetings.  Staff meeting time is also used to support staff training and understanding of the teaching of Maths at Carr Infant School.

