Our intent in Science is to:
- Develop the key scientific enquiry skills which deepen children’s understanding of Science topics.
- Inspire a passion for learning about Science that children carry with them in their future learning in school and beyond.
- Build children’s confidence to ask questions which will further their learning and extend their scientific knowledge.
- Promote curiosity about the world around them where the children develop their own questions and ways to find the answers.
- Have high expectations of children’s knowledge and understanding of Science.
- Ensure that all children are able to achieve their full potential in Science and communicate their understanding..
- Demonstrate the importance of Science in today’s world and how it impacts their everyday lives.
- Engage and excite children in their learning about Science.
We implement our approach to Science by:
- Teaching Science through a play-based curriculum in the EYFS that encourages the children to explore scientific concepts through focussed activities and enhanced provision.
- In Key Stage One, teaching an explicit Science lesson once a week.
- Having Science working walls and displays in classrooms which reflect the relevant scientific vocabulary and areas of learning.
- Ensuring there are regular opportunities for outdoor learning, investigations and experiments.
- Embedding the ‘Working Scientifically’ skills into all Science lessons.
- Having individual Science books which show high quality learning.
- Planning a range of practical, hands on activities which allow all children to access Science and prevent barriers to learning.
- Planning for children to communicate their learning in a variety of ways.
- Delivering creative, exciting and engaging Science lessons.
- Ensuring all National Curriculum objectives for Key Stage One are covered and there is clear progression between year groups with opportunities for the children to embed and extend their learning.
The impact of our Science approach is that:
- Children talk enthusiastically about their Science learning and are excited by Science as a subject.
- Children have good knowledge and understanding of Science and communicate this confidently.
- Positive outcomes for Science are achieved at the end of Key Stage One
- Children are equipped with the skills to support them in their learning in the next stage of their school life.