In 2011/12 the Government launched its Pupil Premium Initiative. This money is allocated to schools based initially on the number of pupils in the school who are eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) or who have been eligible in the past five years, Service Pupils, and Looked After Children (LAC), and over the years now includes those pupils who have been adopted from care. For 2024-2025 the amounts are as follows per pupil: FSM – £1455, Service Pupils – £335, AFC and LAC – £2530.
Schools have the freedom to spend the Pupil Premium, which is additional to the underlying school budget, in a way they believe will best support the raising of attainment and help overcome barriers to learning for the most vulnerable pupils. If you would like to know more or understand it further, please see the overview produced by the Department of Education: Gov.UK Pupil Premium.
Our Pupil Premium Lead, Jessica Hobson, monitors all of our disadvantaged pupils in terms of how well they access additional academic intervention, SEMH support and extra-curricular provision. Children and families are targetted to take up the provision we have on offer.
When governors, senior leaders and subject coordinators undertake school improvement monitoring activities, disadvantaged pupils are always chosen and prioritised for pupil voice. This ensures that we keep their learning experience and journey central to how we are performing as a school.