Literacy resources
A large range of handwriting resources including interactive (can be used on ipad/tablet), videos to watch and sheets to print for all ages.
You can find details for logging on via different devices here
Username: serve Password: gladly and then select your child’s class.
Books to match your child's reading level with comprehension activities for all ages.
You will find your child’s username, password and school code in the front of their planner.
Lots of interactive phonics games for all ages.
They are giving free access to the whole site during the current lockdown with username: jan21 and password: home
Phonics resources and interactive games for all ages.
Cbeebies alphablocks are alphabet and phonic stories for nursery and reception children.
Spelling resources and games for Reception, Year 1 and 2 pupils.
You will find your child’s username and password in their planner.
Mathematics resources
Maths home learning lesson packs including videos for Year 1 and 2 pupils.
Cbeebies numberblocks are number stories for nursery and reception children.
Multiple subjects resources
Online tool suite including JIT5 which allows children to write, paint, program in turtle, create pictograms and animations as well as much more for all ages.
Once your child has logged into google (using their activelearn username at the front of their planners followed by and the password Carr1) go to J2E website and click the sign in with google button.
Worksheets, Powerpoints and interactive games to support all areas of learning for all ages.
Maths and reading home learning interactive resources and packs free access to the child version of the site for all ages.
Free ebooks, online activities and games including reading and Maths for all ages.
Online Maths and literacy games for Year 1 and 2 pupils.
Maths and reading home learning online resources and packs to download free access to the child version of the site for all ages.
A range of resources and interactive games across all subject areas for all ages.
Physical education resources
An online programme including activities and challenges to support families to be active, play and learn together .
Parent email:
Password: carrinfant
Yoga videos with stories linked to children’s films for kids for all ages.
Interactive videos to support with Maths, Literacy, PSHE and PE for Year 1 and 2 pupils.
Hundreds of ‘brainercise’ dancing, strength and mindfulness videos with lots just for fun for all ages.
Science resources
A wide variety of ideas for science experiments for all ages.
Creative science activities to inspire discussions for Year 1 and 2 pupils.